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instructions for deploying to other repositories as well.
instructions for deploying to other repositories as well.
== That's It!
== That's It! ==
Now go start coding your next project!

2012年12月9日 (日) 15:23的版本




  • 本Wiki上的任何文字信息均在GNU自由文档许可证1.3或更高版本下发布,如果用于任何商业用途都需经本人同意。任何转载都请注明出处。
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  • 我的联系方式 killme2008@gmail.com




  • 创建新项目
  • 管理你的项目的依赖关系
  • 运行测试
  • 运行一个REPL(你不需要再关心如何将依赖加入classpath)
  • 编译java源码(如果有的话)
  • 运行项目(如果项目是一个app的话)
  • 为项目产生一个maven风格的pom文件
  • 为部署编译和打包项目
  • 发行类库到maven仓库,例如Clojars
  • 运行clojure编写的自定义的自动化任务(称为leiningen插件)

如果你来自Java世界,Leiningen就是Maven和Ant的无痛结合。如果你是Ruby或者Python世界的人们,则Leiningen 就是那个组合了RubyGems/Bundler/Rake和pip/Fabric等功能的一个单一工具。



对于那些从来没有接触过Ant或者Maven的JVM初哥,(忠告是):不要惊慌失措。Leiningen也是为了你们而设计。这个教程 会帮助你快速开始,并解释Leiningen如何处理项目自动化以及JVM的依赖管理。


另外,记住Leiningen发行附带了相当全面的帮助;lein help可以获得一个任务列表,同时lein help task可以获取任务的详细信息。 更多的文档,例如readme,示范配置以及本教程也同时提供给您。


Leiningen是跟项目打交道。一个项目就是一个包含了一组Clojure(可能也有Java)源码文件的目录,同时附带一些元信息。 元信息存在根目录的一个称为project.clj(默认名称)的文件。project.clj就是你用来告诉Leiningen 项目是什么样的,包括:

  • 项目名称
  • 项目描述
  • 你的项目依赖哪些类库
  • 使用的Clojure版本是什么
  • 哪里找到(项目)源码
  • App的main namespace是什么


大多数Leiningen的任务仅在项目的上下文里才有意义(译者注:也就是大多数任务不能脱离某个项目使用)。但是有些任务如 lein repl也可以从任何目录全局地工作。



我们假设你已经按照README安装了Leiningen。 创建一个项目很简单:

   $ lein new my-stuff


   $ cd my-stuff
   $ tree
   |-- project.clj
   |-- README.md
   |-- src
   |   `-- my_stuff
   |       `-- core.clj
   `-- test
       `-- my_stuff
           `-- core_test.clj


到这一步,我们得到了项目的README,一个包含了代码的src/目录,一个 test/目录,以及一个向Leiningen描述项目的project.clj文件。 src/my_stuff/core.clj文件对应my-stuff.core命名空间。



注意到我们使用my-stuff.core作为命名空间,而不只是my-sutff, 这是因为Clojure不鼓励使用只有一段(single-segment,译者注:意思是没有"."连接的的单一名称)的命名空间。 另外我们也注意到含有波折号(也就是减号)的命名空间,会被映射到波折号被下划线替换的文件,这是因为 JVM加载含有波折号的文件会遇到问题。命名空间的错综复杂是新手感到困扰的一个常见来源,虽然我们已经偏离本 教程的范围,但是你可以在别处阅读到它们



   (defproject my-stuff "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
     :description "FIXME: write description"
     :url "http://example.com/FIXME"
     :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
               :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
     :dependencies org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0")

如果你没有为description填写一个简短的(描述)句子,你的项目 会难在搜索结果里找到,所以请填写一下。也请填写下:url(译注:项目地址URL)。 有时候,你也需要充实下README文件,但是现在让我们略过(这一步)去设置下:dependencies。 注意到,不像其他语言那样,Clojure在这里也只是另一个依赖罢了,你可以很容易地切换Clojure版本。




JAR(jar文件)基本上仅仅是是一些附加了JVM特有元信息的.zip文件。 它们通常包含有.class文件(JVM字节码),和.clj源码文件, 但是它们也可以包含其他一些东西,例如配置文件、JavaScript文件或者含有静态数据的文本文件。

已发布的JVM类库拥有identifiers(artifact group, artifact id)和versions

Artifact IDs, Groups和Versions


   [clj-http "0.5.5"]

有两种不同的途径来设置依赖clj-http类库的最新版本,一种是类似于上面所展示 的Leiningen格式,另一种是Maven格式。我们现在略过Maven的方式,但是你需要为使用) 来自Maven central的Java类库学习一下(maven方式)。你可以直接拷贝Leiningen版本 到project.clj里的:dependencies vector。

在vector里,"clj-http"被称为"artifact id"(译者注:有maven经验的童鞋会很熟悉)。"0.5.5"就是版本号。 一些类库还会有"group id",显示成这样:

   [com.cedarsoft.utils.legacy/hibernate "1.3.4"]

group-id就是斜杠之前的部分。特别是对于Java类库来说,它通常是倒序的域名。而Clojure类库 通常使用相同的group-id和artifact-id(例如clj-http),这种情况下你可以忽略group-id。 如果某个类库从属于一个很大的分组(例如ring-jetty-adapterring项目的一部分), 那么通常所有子项目的group-id保持一样。


有时候版本号会以 "-SNAPSHOT"结尾。这意味着这不是一个正式的release版本,而是一个开发阶段构建(版本)。 不鼓励依赖snapshot版本,但是有时候这也是必须的,例如你需要bug fix等,但还没有将它们发布。尽管如此, snapshot版本不被保证停留,所以很重要的一点是非开发阶段的release绝不依赖你无法控制的snapshot版本。 添加一个snapshot依赖到你的项目里,会导致Leiningen每天主动查找该依赖的最新版本(而正常的release版本 会缓存在本地仓库),所以如果你使用了很多snapshot版本,可能会拖慢Leiningen一些。

请注意,有一些类库会让它们的group-id和artifact-id对应到它们jar里提供的命名空间,但是这一点仅是惯例。 并不保证总是能匹配起来,因此,在你写下:require:import语句之前请翻阅 下类库的文档。


依赖库存储在maven仓库(正式的名称是maven artifact仓库,允许一点模棱两可的话也可以简称为仓库)。

如果你熟悉Perl的CPAN,Python的Cheeseshop(也就是PyPi),Ruby的rubygems.org或者Node.js的NPM,它们其实是一类东西。 Leiningen重用已有的JVM仓库设施。已经有一些很流行的开源仓库。Leiningen默认使用它们中的两个: clojars.orgMaven Central




有时候需要并行地开发两个项目,但是为了让变更生效,总是要运行lein install并重启你的REPL, 这样做非常不方便。Leiningen提供了一种称为checkout依赖(简称checkouts)的解决办法。为了使用它,你需要 在项目根目录创建一个名为checkouts的目录,类似:

   |-- project.clj
   |-- README.md
   |-- checkouts
   |-- src
   |   `-- my_stuff
   |       `-- core.clj
   `-- test
       `-- my_stuff
           `-- core_test.clj


   |-- project.clj
   |-- README.md
   |-- checkouts
   |   `-- superlib2 [link to ~/code/oss/superlib2]
   |   `-- superlib3 [link to ~/code/megacorp/superlib3]
   |-- src
   |   `-- my_stuff
   |       `-- core.clj
   `-- test
       `-- my_stuff
           `-- core_test.clj

checkouts目录里的类库比从仓库拉取的类库优先级更高,但是这不是用来替代 罗列在项目project.clj里的:dependencies,而只是为了方便使用的一种补充。

checkouts特性是非传递性的(译注:A依赖B,B依赖C,那么A将依赖C,这称为依赖传递):换句话说, Leiningen不会查找一个checkout依赖库的checkout依赖。


配置够了,让我们看看代码运行。启动一个REPL(读取-求值-打印循环:read-eval-print loop):

   $ lein repl
   nREPL server started on port 40612
   Welcome to REPL-y!
   Clojure 1.4.0
       Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
   Commands: (user/help)
       Docs: (doc function-name-here)
             (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
     Source: (source function-name-here)
             (user/sourcery function-name-here)
    Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
   Examples from clojuredocs.org: [clojuredocs or cdoc]
             (user/clojuredocs name-here)
             (user/clojuredocs "ns-here" "name-here")


   user=> (require 'my-stuff.core)
   user=> (my-stuff.core/-main)
   Hello, World!
   user=> (require '[clj-http.client :as http])
   user=> (def response (http/get "http://leiningen.org"))
   user=> (keys response)
   (:trace-redirects :status :headers :body)

调用-main显示一起打印了输出("Hello, World!")和返回值nil。


   user=> (doc reduce)
   ([f coll] [f val coll])
     f should be a function of 2 arguments. If val is not supplied,
     returns the result of applying f to the first 2 items in coll, then
     applying f to that result and the 3rd item, etc. If coll contains no
     items, f must accept no arguments as well, and reduce returns the
     result of calling f with no arguments.  If coll has only 1 item, it
     is returned and f is not called.  If val is supplied, returns the
     result of applying f to val and the first item in coll, then
     applying f to that result and the 2nd item, etc. If coll contains no
     items, returns val and f is not called.
   user=> (user/clojuredocs pprint)
   Loading clojuredocs-client...
   ========== vvv Examples ================
     user=> (def *map* (zipmap
                         [:a :b :c :d :e]
                           (zipmap [:a :b :c :d :e]
                             (take 5 (range))))))
     user=> *map*
     {:e {:e 4, :d 3, :c 2, :b 1, :a 0}, :d {:e 4, :d 3, :c 2, :b 1, :a 0}, :c {:e 4, :d 3, :c 2, :b 1, :a 0}, :b {:e 4, :d 3, :c 2, :b 1, :a 0}, :a {:e 4, :d 3, :c 2, :b 1, :a 0}}
     user=> (clojure.pprint/pprint *map*)
     {:e {:e 4, :d 3, :c 2, :b 1, :a 0},
      :d {:e 4, :d 3, :c 2, :b 1, :a 0},
      :c {:e 4, :d 3, :c 2, :b 1, :a 0},
      :b {:e 4, :d 3, :c 2, :b 1, :a 0},
      :a {:e 4, :d 3, :c 2, :b 1, :a 0}}
   ========== ^^^ Examples ================
   1 example found for clojure.pprint/pprint


   user=> (source my-stuff.core/-main)
   (defn -main
     "I don't do a whole lot."
     [& args]
     (println "Hello, World!"))
   user=> ; use control+d to exit


   $ lein run -m my-stuff.core
   Hello, World!


对于长时间运行的lein run进程,可能你希望利用高阶的trampoline任务来节省内存,它允许Leiningen的JVM进程在启动项目的JVM之前退出。(译注,可以通过lein help trampoline来查看任务的详细说明):

   $ lein trampoline run -m my-stuff.server 5000



   $ lein test
   lein test my.test.stuff
   FAIL in (a-test) (stuff.clj:7)
   FIXME, I fail.
   expected: (= 0 1)
     actual: (not (= 0 1))
   Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
   1 failures, 0 errors.

一旦我们填充了测试套件,会更有用一些。有时候你有一个很大的测试套件,但是你一次只想运行其中一到两个命名空间,lein test my.test.stuff可以帮你做到。也许你也想要使用测试选择器(test selector)拆散(break up)测试,请看lein help test获取详情。

从命令行运行lein test适合回归测试,但是JVM的缓慢启动时间让它和那种需要紧凑反馈循环的测试风格配合不良。在这种情况下,可以通过保持运行一个开启的repl,用来跑 clojure.test/run-tests,或者使用编辑器整合插件如clojure-test-mode

请谨记在心,虽然保持一个运行的进程是很方便,但是这很容易让进程进入这样一种状态:没有反射磁盘上的文件——函数被加载,接着从文件删除,却仍然保存在内存里,让你很容易错过那些由丢失的函数引起的问题(通常被称为"getting slimed",和稀泥,捣糨糊)。正因为这个原因,任何情况下都建议你定期使用一个"新鲜"的instance运行lein test,或许在你提交之前。



  • 可以分发给终端用户的应用
  • 服务端应用
  • 其他Clojure项目可以使用的类库

对于第一种用途,通常会构建一个uberjar。对于类库,你会想将它们发布到Clojars或者私有的某个仓库。对于服务端应用,会如下文描述的那样有所变化。利用lein new app myapp生成一个项目,会让你从拥有一些额外默认(配置)适合非类库项目开始。



   (defproject my-stuff "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
     :description "FIXME: write description"
     :url "http://example.com/FIXME"
     :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
               :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
     :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
                    [org.apache.lucene/lucene-core "3.0.2"]
                    [clj-http "0.4.1"]]
     :profiles {:dev {:dependencies midje "1.3.1"}}
     :test-selectors {:default (complement :integration)
                     :integration :integration
                     :all (fn [_] true)}
     :main my.stuff)

The namespace you specify will need to contain a `-main` function that will get called when your standalone jar is run. This namespace should have a `(:gen-class)` declaration in the `ns` form at the top. The `-main` function will get passed the command-line arguments. Let's try something simple in `src/my/stuff.clj`: 你设置的命名空间必须包含一个-main函数,它将在独立的可执行文件运行的时候被调用。这个命名空间必须在顶层的ns form里有一个:gen-class声明,-main函数会接收命令行参数,让我们在src/my/stuff.clj尝试点简单的玩意:

   (ns my.stuff
   (defn -main [& args]
     (println "Welcome to my project! These are your args:" args))


   $ lein uberjar
   Compiling my.stuff
   Compilation succeeded.
   Created /home/phil/src/leiningen/my-stuff/target/my-stuff-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
   Including my-stuff-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
   Including clj-http-0.4.1.jar
   Including clojure-1.3.0.jar
   Including lucene-core-3.0.2.jar
   Created /home/phil/src/leiningen/my-stuff/target/my-stuff-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar

This creates a single jar file that contains the contents of all your dependencies. Users can run it with a simple `java` invocation, or on some systems just by double-clicking the jar file.

   $ java -jar my-stuff-0.1.0-standalone.jar Hello world.
   Welcome to my project! These are your args: (Hello world.)

You can run a regular (non-uber) jar with the `java` command-line tool, but that requires constructing the classpath yourself, so it's not a good solution for end-users.

Of course if your users already have Leiningen installed, you can instruct them to use `lein run` as described above.

框架 (Uber)jars

Many Java frameworks expect deployment of a jar file or derived archive sub-format containing a subset of the application's necessary dependencies. The framework expects to provide the missing dependencies itself at run-time. Dependencies which are provided by a framework in this fashion may be specified in the `:provided` profile. Such dependencies will be available during compilation, testing, etc., but won't be included by default by the `uberjar` task or plugin tasks intended to produce stable deployment artifacts.

For example, Hadoop job jars may be just regular (uber)jar files containing all dependencies except the Hadoop libraries themselves:

```clj (project example.hadoop "0.1.0"

 :profiles {:provided
             org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-core "0.20.2-dev"}}
 :main example.hadoop)


   $ lein uberjar
   Compiling example.hadoop
   Created /home/xmpl/src/example.hadoop/example.hadoop-0.1.0.jar
   Including example.hadoop-0.1.0.jar
   Including clojure-1.4.0.jar
   Created /home/xmpl/src/example.hadoop/example.hadoop-0.1.0-standalone.jar
   $ hadoop jar example.hadoop-0.1.0-standalone.jar
   12/08/24 08:28:30 INFO util.Util: resolving application jar from found main method on: example.hadoop
   12/08/24 08:28:30 INFO flow.MultiMapReducePlanner: using application jar: /home/xmpl/src/example.hadoop/./example.hadoop-0.1.0-standalone.jar

Plugins are required to generate framework deployment jar derivatives (such as WAR files) which include additional metadata, but the `:provided` profile provides a general mechanism for handling the framework dependencies.


There are many ways to get your project deployed as a server-side application. Aside from the obvious uberjar approach, simple programs can be packaged up as tarballs with accompanied shell scripts using the [lein-tar plugin](https://github.com/technomancy/lein-tar) and then deployed using [pallet](http://hugoduncan.github.com/pallet/), [chef](http://opscode.com/chef/), or other mechanisms. Web applications may be deployed as uberjars using embedded Jetty with `ring-jetty-adapter` or as .war (web application archive) files created by the [lein-ring plugin](https://github.com/weavejester/lein-ring). For things beyond uberjars, server-side deployments are so varied that they are better-handled using plugins rather than tasks that are built-in to Leiningen itself.

If you do end up involving Leiningen in production via something like `lein trampoline run`, it's very important to ensure you take steps to freeze all the dependencies before deploying, otherwise it could be easy to end up with [unrepeatable deployments](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/wiki/Repeatability). Consider including `~/.m2/repository` in your unit of deployment along with your project code. It's recommended to use Leiningen to create a deployable artifact in a continuous integration setting. For example, you could have a [Jenkins](http://jenkins-ci.org) CI server run your project's full test suite, and if it passes, upload a tarball to S3. Then deployment is just a matter of pulling down and extracting the known-good tarball on your production servers.

Also remember that the `run` task defaults to including the `user`, `dev`, and `default` profiles, which are not suitable for production. Using `lein trampoline with-profile production run -m myapp.main` is recommended. By default the production profile is empty, but if your deployment includes the `~/.m2/repository` directory from the CI run that generated the tarball, then you should add its path as `:local-repo` along with `:offline? true` to the `:production` profile. Staying offline prevents the deployed project from diverging at all from the version that was tested in the CI environment.


If your project is a library and you would like others to be able to use it as a dependency in their projects, you will need to get it into a public repository. While it's possible to [maintain your own private repository](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/rc/doc/DEPLOY.md) or get it into [Central](http://search.maven.org), the easiest way is to publish it at [Clojars](http://clojars.org). Once you have [created an account](https://clojars.org/register) there, publishing is easy:

   $ lein deploy clojars
   Created ~/src/my-stuff/target/my-stuff-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
   Wrote ~/src/my-stuff/pom.xml
   No credentials found for clojars
   See `lein help deploying` for how to configure credentials.
   Username: me
   Retrieving my-stuff/my-stuff/0.1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml (1k)
       from https://clojars.org/repo/
   Sending my-stuff/my-stuff/0.1.0-SNAPSHOT/my-stuff-0.1.0-20120531.032047-14.jar (5k)
       to https://clojars.org/repo/
   Sending my-stuff/my-stuff/0.1.0-SNAPSHOT/my-stuff-0.1.0-20120531.032047-14.pom (3k)
       to https://clojars.org/repo/
   Retrieving my-stuff/my-stuff/maven-metadata.xml (1k)
       from https://clojars.org/repo/
   Sending my-stuff/my-stuff/0.1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml (1k)
       to https://clojars.org/repo/
   Sending my-stuff/my-stuff/maven-metadata.xml (1k)
       to https://clojars.org/repo/

Once that succeeds it will be available as a package on which other projects may depend. For instructions on storing your credentials so they don't have to be re-entered every time, see `lein help deploying`. When deploying a release that's not a snapshot, Leiningen will attempt to sign it using [GPG](http://gnupg.org) to prove your authorship of the release. See the [deploy guide](https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/rc/doc/DEPLOY.md). for details of how to set that up. The deploy guide includes instructions for deploying to other repositories as well.

That's It!


